An introduction by
Fiona Roche
A Vision
The vision for Jindee has been to create an exceptional place for people to work, live and play, one that reflects the climate and the story of its location on the Indian Ocean.
Clearly there is a need for the usual amenities like parks, transport, schools and shopping which are all available within walking distance of Jindee.
Clearly there is a need for the usual amenities like parks, transport, schools and shopping which are all available within walking distance of Jindee.
What makes Jindee exceptional?
But beyond the everyday, we asked ourselves “what would make Jindee exceptional?”
We sought answers to this question in the some of the most loved areas of Perth; places like Fremantle, Cottesloe and Rottnest. In looking at these places we analyzed why these places were loved and arrived at a number of conclusions.
We sought answers to this question in the some of the most loved areas of Perth; places like Fremantle, Cottesloe and Rottnest. In looking at these places we analyzed why these places were loved and arrived at a number of conclusions.
Unique Beauty
1. Each place has a beauty and harmony in its urban form and architecture and a sense of its own place in the world. Each has its own appealing character and when you are in each of these places, you know you are there.
2. A place where people will walk is a place where people are enjoying the place where they live or work. People walk where they feel secure, where there are destinations but more than this, where all senses are pleasantly stimulated; sight, sound, smell and touch.
Green space
3. The presence of trees in streets and paths and parks of a large size and definition enhances the sense of place, the beauty of the location and is known to encourage people to walk and share their experiences with their neighbours.
Variety of experience
4. Where there are different experiences within grasp of home. A place to immerse yourself in different experiences: the a natural environment; the beach; in parks or a village life among homes and squares and in street café’s, wine bars and pizzerias. Places to escape and revive and places to stimulate and socialize. All within walking distance.
5. Places are loved where places are used. People attract people. People to fill the cafes or a pub, to meet each other on the street, to enjoy the small shops and leisure activities, run the dogs in a dog park; swim and raise a team for volley ball or bocce or cricket or chess and on it goes.
6. Where everyone has the potential to live and enjoy what Jindee has to offer. The very old and the very young. Families, couples and singles. The wealthy and those that are starting on the bottom rung of their economic futures. People who need 5 bedroom homes and those that want a studio and a place for the bike and surfboard. Students, retirees, business people and trades people; volunteers, professionals and those in the tech industries.
A true village needs the diversity of people as this creates vibrancy and interest.
A true village needs the diversity of people as this creates vibrancy and interest.
7. That capacity to work near where you live particularly where that work is in small or medium scale enterprises that do not destroy the amenity of the whole.
Quality & Value
8.And to be exceptional Jindee must create value for people. Jindee is a Private Estate and will include high quality residences. It is expected to grow in value at a greater rate than other like areas suburbs simply because of what it has to offer and the quality that is embedded in Jindee. As the street trees grow so will be value of homes at Jindee.